We have found that some of the definitions for terms we use are not as clear and easy to understand as we expected, so here is a list of the key terms that we commonly use.
Base Style
This is the shape of the mask, it is created from a sculpt and originally is mostly featureless. We plan to keep creating new Base Styles as we go along to help to add more varity to the masks that we can offer people.
Pre Made
This is a ready made and fully finished mask which we are selling. These masks are usually ones that was created and used for a photo shoot or an event, so have been used to promote DAME in some way. Based on the mask's features we will set the price accordingly and list it on our website for sale.
Set Style
This is our usual range of masks available to buy from our website, it is where we have added features to a Base Style like the mouth and eyes, we then offer you options for the hair and eye colour and allow you to select which hair style you want from a list of different styles. This type of mask can be produced quickly and is good for original characters or more generic characters.
Semi Custom
Please see the semi custom section of our website for more details on how to order, it is where you explain how you want the mask to look and we will start discussing how it should be done by taking one of our Base Styles and look at how we can add features to better match the character that you want. This is good for a pre established character like from an anime, manga or game.
Full Custom
This is where we create the mask from scratch starting from a new sculpt. We do not offer this service to people due to the large amount of time needed to fully produce a one off mask from scratch and we find that for most characters a Semi Custom mask will be ok, especially as we add more Base Styles to work from.
Original Character (OC)
This is a characters that you have made up from scratch, it has no original source material and no fixed background. It can be useful for people to create their own original character if they want to have creative freedom or wish to perform in their own way without needing to try to conform or feel restricted by the preconceptions of a ready made and well known character.